DISCLAIMER: The following is an archive of the current state of a conspiritorial website slandering the future technologies corporation, this is being kept as evidence for the future legal case Future Technologies will persue. Identifying information of company employees has been redacted. The archive will be updated as the original webite updates.
For internal use only

The Truth will come out

Future Technologies will be held accountable

Update on website content

In an attempt to cover up their mess and shut us down our adversaries have raided and deleted our archives, as well as removed all the articles and formating that was originally on this.
I have one simple message for them, we will not be detered. You may spread slander and libel stating we are crazed conspirisy theorists but we will not stop untill everyone knows what you have done ██████.
Keep watch for more updates in the coming times as we rebuild the site.

FTech lies about timing of development of medical breakthrough, Company director gives procedure to possible former sexual companion months before project goes public.

As we all know future technologies is a company that produces many breakthroughs in the world of medical science, most recently, cybernetic limbs. For little cost one can replace non-functional limbs with cybernetic ones to allow , in the words of the company, "those who have been told they will never walk again to roam freely and those born without the ability to finally be free to move as they like." While this is of great benifit to society, durring the trails of the product and associated procedures one of FTech's greatest shows of their willingness to put their own first and lie to the public about it was shown. Ftech says that their clinical trials are first come first served so there is no cherry picking people to receive pottentally life saving care, often having trial sizes in the thousands to accomodate everyone that they can. While, in this particular case, the trial size was one, and the recipiant of the procedure was none other than ███████, a non-employee who has been speculated to have been receaving free housing and large ammounts of financial support from FTech after being struck by a car and paralyzed despite not being associated with the company outside of rumors of these "gifts" being compensation being given in exchange for them to not reveal that they have had sexaul relations with the director of the company ██████ whilst intoxocated. After a year and a half dissapearance, in which any attempted filing of a missing persons report for them was immediatly denied, ███████ reappeared in his house with new cybernetic limbs, just months before FTech announced the project publically and stated the first public trials would open the following year. The company has denyed that the project was in development before they announced it and takes action to remove all mentions of ███████'s abcence online and in physical text. The company is attempting to cover its tracks and if history is to repeats itself they will use their ██████████ ██ ██████████ ███████ ███████ ██ █████ irreperable ██████ ██ ███████ ███ ███████ the ████ ██ █████ their ████ ██ be ████████.